UnderTheWire — Century ~Part 1

Vineet Chhabra
3 min readApr 27, 2021


Century 1

The password for Century2 is the build version of the instance of PowerShell installed on this system.


– The format is as follows:

  • *.*.*****.****

– Include all periods

– Be sure to look for build version and NOT PowerShell version



Century 2 Password — “10.0.14393.3866”

Century 2

The password for Century3 is the name of the built-in cmdlet that performs the wget like function within PowerShell PLUS the name of the file on the desktop.


– If the name of the cmdlet is “get-web” and the file on the desktop is named “1234”, the password would be “get-web1234”.

– The password will be lowercase no matter how it appears on the screen.


Get-ChildItem C:\Users\century2\Desktop

The name of the file in Desktop → 443

We need to get the Alias for “wget”

Get-Command *wget*

Century 3 Password → “invoke-webrequest443”

Century 3

The password for Century4 is the number of files on the desktop.


Write-Host (Get-ChildItem C:\Users\century3\Desktop | Measure-Object).count

Century 4 password → “123”

Century 4

The password for Century5 is the name of the file within a directory on the desktop that has spaces in its name.


– The password will be lowercase no matter how it appears on the screen.


Set-Location '.\Can You Open Me'Get-ChildItem

Century 5 Password → “61580”

Century 5

The password for Century6 is the short name of the domain in which this system resides in PLUS the name of the file on the desktop.


– If the short name of the domain is “blob” and the file on the desktop is named “1234”, the password would be “blob1234”.

– The password will be lowercase no matter how it appears on the screen.


$env:USERDNSDOMAIN$env:USERDOMAINGet-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem

Century 6 Password → “underthewire3347”

Century 6

The password for Century7 is the number of folders on the desktop.


Write-Host (Get-ChildItem C:\Users\century3\Desktop | Measure-Object).count

Century 7 Password → “197”

Century 7

The password for Century8 is in a readme file somewhere within the contacts, desktop, documents, downloads, favorites, music, or videos folder in the user’s profile.


– The password will be lowercase no matter how it appears on the screen.


First we see if the readme file exists or not

Get-ChildItem C:\Users\century7\*readme* -Recurse

Now we need to find the location of the readme file. Using the earlier method to count the number of files, we can use the "Directory" Property of the Get-ChildItem to see the directory where the "readme" file is located

Now to read the file contents of the “readme.txt” file

Century 8 Password → “7points”



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